The future of health (e-Book)

megatrends healthy living and dignified dying

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Adjiedj Bakas

EPUB met digitaal watermerk | Maart 2012 |

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Healthy life becomes one of the major themes of the 21st century. The past decade, the years '0 of the 21st century, was a transitional period in which we could take farewell of the 20th century. Now, at the beginning of the years'10 of the 21st century, the 21st century really enfolds itself. The current global economic crisis offers all the space in order to achieve breakthrough innovations, especially in the health care industry which currently grows as self-rising flour. The first signs of a new interpretation of health care are already there. High-tech goes into the new time together with spirituality, endless treating terminal patients shall be replaced by the acceptance of the finiteness of life. Human warmth in care goes hand in hand with Robotics. There will be more self care and we will see radically different financing arrangements. And expect mergers or close cooperation between health insurance companies, pension funds and housing corporations. Increasingly medical technology advances and makes more possible. How are stakeholders in the health industry going to be influenced by megatrends from outside and within the health care industry? Which new health services and products are to be expected? Which new joint-ventures may be expected? Which aspects of health care will be public in the future and which will become privately financed? What health issues are topical? What kind of leadership this requires all of this in the industry? But what does the renewal of the healthcare industry mean to you as a citizen, as a health consumer? Read al labout the health megatrends it in this pungent and actual new book of Adjiedj Bakas. Beyond the hypes, beyond the delusion of the day.

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Adjiedj Bakas
Scriptum Books
EPUB met digitaal watermerk
Maart 2012
16674586 bytes
Aantal Pagina's


Healthy life becomes one of the major themes of the 21st century. The past decade, the years '0 of the 21st century, was a transitional period in which we could take farewell of the 20th century. Now, at the beginning of the years'10 of the 21st century, the 21st century really enfolds itself. The current global economic crisis offers all the space in order to achieve breakthrough innovations, especially in the health care industry which currently grows as self-rising flour. The first signs of a new interpretation of health care are already there. High-tech goes into the new time together with spirituality, endless treating terminal patients shall be replaced by the acceptance of the finiteness of life. Human warmth in care goes hand in hand with Robotics. There will be more self care and we will see radically different financing arrangements. And expect mergers or close cooperation between health insurance companies, pension funds and housing corporations. Increasingly medical technology advances and makes more possible. How are stakeholders in the health industry going to be influenced by megatrends from outside and within the health care industry? Which new health services and products are to be expected? Which new joint-ventures may be expected? Which aspects of health care will be public in the future and which will become privately financed? What health issues are topical? What kind of leadership this requires all of this in the industry? But what does the renewal of the healthcare industry mean to you as a citizen, as a health consumer? Read al labout the health megatrends it in this pungent and actual new book of Adjiedj Bakas. Beyond the hypes, beyond the delusion of the day.

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Adjiedj Bakas
Scriptum Books
EPUB met digitaal watermerk
Maart 2012
16674586 bytes Kb
Aantal Pagina's

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