44 titels gevonden in Engels 2023 Met digitaal watermerk Adobe PDF vanaf € 12,50

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  • Book of Requiems, 1550-1560 (e-Book)
    Few western musical repertories speak more to the imagination than the Requiem mass for the dead. Yet, surprisingly, despite the significance of Requiem settings for our musical culture, the... Meer
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    Juli 2023

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  • You're going to die (e-Book)
    My name is Nina Blom. When I was fourteen, I almost died. For years I was systematically made sick by my mother. She made up illnesses for me or aggravated them, and was very angry with me... Meer
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    Juni 2023

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  • Datapolis (e-Book)
    Data has become a critical component of our lives when was the last time that you spent 24 hours offline? Despite such ubiquity, we hardly comprehend the mechanisms of this 'infosphere', a... Meer
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    Juni 2023

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  • Epicureanism and Scientific Debates (e-Book)
    Epicureanism is not only a defence of pleasure: it is also a philosophy of science and knowledge. This edited collection explores new pathways for the study of Epicurean scientific thought,... Meer
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    Augustus 2023

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  • Effective Cross-Border Pension Information in the Face of Multi-Level Legal Systems (e-Book)
    A growing number of mobile individuals, who take advantage of their European freedoms of movement, face a lack of comprehensive pension information. This obstacle can hinder those who need... Meer
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    December 2023

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  • Of swords and shields: due process and crime control in times of globalization (e-Book)
    On 10 March 2023, John Vervaele retired as professor of Economic and European criminal law at Utrecht University. On the occasion of that farewell, this liber amicorum was presented to him.... Meer
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    Maart 2023

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  • Unified Patent Court (e-Book)
    The Unified Patent Court (UPC) is a new European court, comprising the best patent judges from all participating Member States of the European Union. This court will open its doors in April... Meer
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    Februari 2023

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  • Towards a European Reassessment of Punitive Law Enforcement? (1e druk) (e-Book)
    The European Union is today a major player in many policy areas, going from classic economic fields as competition policy, agriculture and fisheries policy to new emergent fields as... Meer
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    Maart 2023

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  • To Share or Not to Share (Others’ Data) - That Is the Question... (e-Book)
    In her inaugural lecture of 9 June 2023 Prof. Dr. Franziska Weber delved into the conundrum of sharing others’ data: By sharing our personal data we also share – directly and indirectly –... Meer
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    Augustus 2023

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  • Some Reflections on the Selection and Appointment of Judges in European Law (e-Book)
    For the identity and well-functioning of Europe, independent national judiciaries are key, and the selection processes of judges and Court Presidents essential. During the last decade,... Meer
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    Maart 2023

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  • Crossing Borders: Proving Your Personal Status (e-Book)
    The increasing mobility of people leads to the worldwide circulation of documents that record the personal status of people (e.g. birth, marriage, death). The recognition of these documents... Meer
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    Juli 2023

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  • Property Law Perspectives VIII (e-Book)
    This volume is the eighth instalment in the Property Law Perspectives Series. Produced by the Young Property Lawyers' Forum (www.yplf.net), a global network of early career property law... Meer
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    September 2023

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  • Criminal Behavior and Accountability of Artificial Intelligence Systems (e-Book)
    AI systems have the capacity to act in a way that can generally be considered as ‘criminal’ by society. Yet, it can be argued that they lack (criminal) agency – and the feeling of it. In the... Meer
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    November 2023

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  • Milde’s International Air Law and ICAO (e-Book)
    This is the fourth edition of the acclaimed volume of Milde’s International Air Law and ICAO, first published in 2008. It has now been fully revised by Dr. Attila Sipos, LL.M., to take the... Meer
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    Mei 2023

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  • Codifications of Late Antiquity (e-Book)
    This book is the last book Jan Lokin wrote. Lokin had written on and off about the theme of codification throughout his career. He started writing about codification in 1984 and returned to... Meer
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    Juli 2023

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  • Teaching for Impact (e-Book)
    Today’s global society – with its fast technological developments, unlimited choice, uncertainty and complexity – requires new knowledge, dispositions and abilities from academically... Meer
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    December 2023

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  • Power and Authority, A Trial of Two Swords (e-Book)
    On 27 January 1186 the German king Henry VI, son and heir of the Roman Emperor Frederick I ‘Barbarossa’, married Constance of Hauteville, heir to the throne of Sicily, in the Basilica of St... Meer
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    Maart 2023

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  • Counter-Terrorism Law and Jihadist Returnees (e-Book)
    Belgium has one of the highest numbers of Jihadist fighters per capita in Europe. A large group of often young men and women left Belgium for the IS Caliphate in Syria and Iraq. This book... Meer
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    Mei 2023

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  • Neuroarchitecture (e-Book)
    How do we design the streets in large-scale housing projects so that they retain a human scale? In Western cities, the need to house growing numbers of inhabitants frequently involves the... Meer
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    November 2023

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  • Walking the Tightrope (e-Book)
    The judge is the holder of a state office in the rule of law. At the same time s/he is an individual with opinions, convictions and preferences. When the judge speaks, it may not always be... Meer
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    Januari 2023

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  • Crimmigration and the Return Directive (e-Book)
    The EU Return Directive lays down minimum standards and procedures concerning the return of third-country nationals (non-EU nationals) illegally residing in a member state. To actually... Meer
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    Oktober 2023

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  • CERIL Collection I: Improving European Restructuring and Insolvency Law (e-Book)
    From 2017 up to 2022, the Conference on European Restructuring and Insolvency Law (CERIL) has adopted 12 Reports and Statements which concern salient topics in the area of European... Meer
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    April 2023

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  • Juvenile Delinquency and Rehabilitation (e-Book)
    The Good Lives Model is an upcoming theoretical rehabilitation framework that is used increasingly in juvenile offender rehabilitation. This book provides in-depth knowledge about the Good... Meer
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    September 2023

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  • Stories From the History of the Faculty of Law in Nijmegen (1923-2023) (e-Book)
    This book is about the history of the law faculty of the Roman Catholic (RC) University in Nijmegen, starting from its foundation in 1923. In addition to a description of the ups and downs... Meer
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    April 2023

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  • Discrimination and the Foundation of Justice (e-Book)
    Discrimination is still not sufficiently addressed within liberal democracies. Often only some groups are protected against discrimination and merely in certain situations. This leaves many... Meer
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    Juni 2023

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  • Restorative Justice and Criminal Justice (e-Book)
    Criminal justice is primarily designed to serve the public interest in relation to criminal acts. Restorative justice is designed to address the harmrelated needs of individuals in the... Meer
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    Maart 2023

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  • Illegal Waste Management Activity in the Process of Bunker Fuel Production (e-Book)
    Wherever you are right now, there’s a good chance that an object in your vicinity is connected to the stories told in this book. The phone in your pocket, the chair you’re sitting on, or the... Meer
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    Mei 2023

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  • The Recognition and Enforcement of Punitive Damages Judgments Across the Globe (e-Book)
    Thus far, private international law issues relating to punitive damages have mainly been dealt with from the perspective of several European countries. Systematic research into countries... Meer
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    Juli 2023

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  • State-Building, Lawmaking, and Criminal Justice in Afghanistan (e-Book)
    Afghanistan is often viewed as a failing state. The international intervention, following 9/11, could fit with the country’s domestic modernisation efforts, King Ammanullah’s in the 1920s... Meer
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    Juni 2023

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  • The Democratisation of the European Union (e-Book)
    The democratisation of the EU is a fascinating process with an unforeseen outcome: the European Union is emerging as a new kind of international organisation with an equally innovative model... Meer
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    Januari 2023

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  • Restorative Justice: The Art of an Emancipated Crime Approach (e-Book)
    Restorative justice is a way of doing justice in which the focus is on restoring the damage caused by a crime. This involves not only restoring mate rial and immaterial damage, but also... Meer
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    Maart 2023

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  • Regulating Non-Existence (e-Book)
    Advances in reproductive biotechnology increase control over who is born and under what circumstances. Consequently, the question arises: what do we owe to the future children who are born... Meer
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    Mei 2023

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  • Rule of Law: Sustainability and Mutual Trust in a Transforming Europe (e-Book)
    The book is the extended version of the inaugural lecture given by Professor Petra Bárd on 21 September 2023 on the occasion of her taking up the Chair in Sustainable Rule of Law at the... Meer
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    November 2023

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  • The Flexible City (e-Book)
    Overal in Europa worstelen steden met een opeenstapeling van milieucrises zoals de opwarming van de aarde, de uitputting van natuurlijke hulpbronnen, vervuiling en het uitsterven van plant-... Meer
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    Oktober 2023

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  • Living Politics in the City (e-Book)
    In recent decades, architecture has been seen as a field of practice that contributes greatly to the performativity of public space. In spite of the explosion of virtual communities through... Meer
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    Oktober 2023

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  • Together: A Blueprint for Collaborative Living (e-Book)
    Collaborative living is experiencing a revival in The Netherlands. In the midst of an unprecedented housing crisis, more and more people turn to collective self-organisation to provide... Meer
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    November 2023

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  • Dilemmas beyond Bars (e-Book)
    Prison officers have been described as key determinants of the prison experience for prisoners, yet up until recently this occupational group was largely ignored in academic research.... Meer
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    November 2023

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  • Third Party Releases by Means of Bankruptcy Law Guarantees and (Mass) Tort (e-Book)
    Can bankruptcy law offer debt relief to third parties who are not involved in a formal procedure themselves? This question is explored both in relation to guarantees and in relation to mass... Meer
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    December 2023

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  • Guilt, Shame and Juvenile Delinquency (e-Book)
    Emotions such as guilt and shame motivate us to keep our actions in line with normative expectations and are therefore essential in regulating our social and moral lives. Guilt, Shame and... Meer
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    December 2023

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  • Catholicism and the Welfare State in Secular France (e-Book)
    Even though the policy impact of Catholicism has increasingly been acknowledged, existing scholarship lacks a coherent view on its changing influence over time and in different political... Meer
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    September 2023

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